
英['deɪtəmz] 美['deɪtəmz]
  • pl.论据;已知数;数据;材料;资料
  • dat abbr.数字式音频磁带(=digitalaudiotape)
  • DAT-SPECT 脑多巴胺转运体核素显像
  • dat. dative;abbr.;=dative
  • data n.数据;资料名词datum的复数形式.
  • data-acquire 数据采集
名词 datum:
  1. an item of factual information derived from measurement or research

    1. Therefore, we can relize the positive and negative of current situation through datums and materials.
    2. Therefore, we can relize the positive and negative of current situation through datums and materials.