
英[dɪ'fensɪvli] 美[dɪ'fensɪvli]
  • adv.防御地;守势地
  • def abbr.防御(=defense)abbr.延缓的(=deferred)abbr.定义(=definition)abbr.明确的(=definite)
  • def-
  • def-ferences 差异
  • def. (=defecation)排便,净化,(=deficiency)缺乏,不足
  • Defabis n.德法比斯
  1. in an apologetic and defensive manner;

    "`I felt it better you should know,' said Sir Cedric defensively"

  2. in a defensive manner;

    "the general conviction that our side is in the right and acting defensively over what Russians call the German question and Americans the Berlin crisis"