
英[dɪf'lektɪd] 美[dɪf'lektɪd]
  • adj.偏离的;歪斜的动词deflect的过去式和过去分词.
  • def abbr.防御(=defense)abbr.延缓的(=deferred)abbr.定义(=definition)abbr.明确的(=definite)
  • def-
  • def-ferences 差异
  • def. (=defecation)排便,净化,(=deficiency)缺乏,不足
  • Defabis n.德法比斯
动词 deflect:
  1. prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening

  2. turn from a straight course, fixed direction, or line of interest

  3. turn aside and away from an initial or intended course

  4. draw someone's attention away from something

  5. impede the movement of (an opponent or a ball)

    1. Mary throw a stone at John but it was deflected away from him when it hit a tree.
    2. The bullet hit a wall and was deflected from its course.
    3. The ball hit one of the defenders and was deflected into the net.
    4. The missile deflected from its trajectory.