
英['deməkræts] 美['deməkræts]
  • n.民主党员名词democrat的复数形式.
  • DEM abbr.民主主义者(=democrat)
  • Dem. Democrat;abbr.;=Democrat
  • DEMA =DataEntryManagementAssociation数据录入管理协会[美]
  • Demachi 出町(姓,日本)
  • Demachy 德马希
名词 democrat:
  1. a member of the Democratic Party

  2. an advocate of democratic principles

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. This week, though, he hinted in a letter to Democrats at a compromise on both issues.
    2. He argued bluntly for cutting back the subcommittee draft into a more realistic program on which Republicans and Northern Democrats could unite.