door sill

英 美
  • 门槛
  • dooda n.兴奋;激动
  • doodad n.小装饰品;小玩意;花哨而不值钱的东西
  • doodah [俚]激动,惊慌
  • doodie n.(口)便便;一个酒类销售公司
  • doodle v.乱写;乱画;信手涂鸦n.乱写;乱画Doodlen.谷歌涂鸦(搜索引擎谷歌Google于节日和其他纪念日在主页上展示的定制版谷歌图标)
名词 doorsill:
  1. the sill of a door; a horizontal piece of wood or stone that forms the bottom of a doorway and offers support when passing through a doorway

    1. This marks you as a clueless poseur the moment you walk in the door.
    2. But as Soapy put his foot inside the restaurant door, the headwaiter saw his broken old shoes and the torn clothes that covered his legs.

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