
英 美
  • n. 德鲁士族
  • drudgingly adv.辛辛苦苦地
  • druffen adj.醉的;酒醉的
  • drug n.毒品;药vt.使服麻醉药;使服毒品;掺麻醉药(或毒药)于
  • drugger 吸毒者
  • druggery n.(总称)药物;药橱
  1. an adherent of an esoteric monotheistic religious sect living in the relative security of the mountains of Syria and Lebanon who believes that Al-hakim was an incarnation of God;

    "a Druze is permitted to conform outwardly to the faith of the unbelievers among whom he lives"

1. Carter Druse grew pale; he shook in every limb, turned faint.
卡特德鲁斯脸色变得苍白起来, 他的四肢颤抖几乎晕了过去.


    • Druze 德鲁士(古罗马将军)...