1. The cognac inside is a mèlange of hundreds of rare eaux-de-vies, aged for between 25-130 years.
2. ABSTRACT: Most people just know Bordeaux wines, however, Bordeaux produces spirits, 'Fine Bordeaux' eaux DE vie.
3. Obtained by the traditional and artesian Arab method of copper pot still, Alquitaras, to achieve an eaux-de-vie of unique finesse.
4. However, the senegalaise des eaux (SDE), a water-distribution corporation, guarantees that water problems will become a distant memory once technical issues have been resolved.
5. English spelling may be the most idiosyncratic, although French gives it a run for the money with 13 ways to spell the sound “o”: o, ot, ots, os, ocs, au, aux, aud, auds, eau, eaux, ho and ö.
6. Suez Environnement's announcement comes after the relevant authority, the Syndicat des Eaux d'Ile de France, or Sedif, declined to split up the contract into zones as the company had suggested.
7. Suez Environnement's announcement comes after the relevant authority, the Syndicat des Eaux d'Ile de France, or Sedif, declined to split up the contract into zones as the company had suggested.