
英[enk'ləʊʒəz] 美[enk'ləʊʒəz]
  • 密闭舱室
  • ENCA =EuropeanNavalCommunicationsAgency欧洲海军通讯署[北约]
  • Encabo 恩卡沃
  • encaenia 创立庆典,教堂奠基[落成]纪念
  • encage v.关在笼中;把...关起来
  • encaged v.关在笼中;把...关起来
名词 enclosure:
  1. a structure consisting of an area that has been enclosed for some purpose

  2. the act of enclosing something inside something else

  3. a naturally enclosed space

  4. something (usually a supporting document) that is enclosed in an envelope with a covering letter