end wall

英 美
  • 端墙,投料端墙
  • end n.结束;末端;目标;死亡;部分;终点站;端点;半边球场;剩余物,残余;过世v.终止,结束
  • wall n.墙壁;垣;墙状物v.围住;隔开;演戏般地转动(眼睛)
    1. Profiles end powder frost after cold sealing for aluminium alloy profiles is generaed by over sealing of anodized film.
    2. A teammate cannot leave the platform before an incoming swimmer has touched the end wall.
    3. Tracheids have heavily lignified walls and the only connection between adjacent tracheids is through paired pits, which are mainly concentrated in the end walls.