estrogenic hormone

英 美
  • 雌(情)激素(类)
  • establish v.建立;确立;创办;安顿
  • established adj.确定的;建立的;制定的动词establish的过去式和过去分词形式.
  • estafette n.骑马的信差
  • estaminet n.小酒吧;小餐馆咖啡馆
  • estancia n.(拉丁美洲的)大牧场大庄园
    1. It is thought that the female sex hormone oestrogen - produced at higher rates during a woman's reproductive life - raises the risk of these diseases.
    2. Hormone analysis showed that the calling behaviour of copulating females was unrelated to their fertile period and likelihood of conception.

estrogenic hormone的相关资料: