ethnic group eco-park

英 美
  • 民族生态公园
  • ECO pref.表示“环境”;“生态”;“生态学的”
  • ethnic adj.种族的;民族的;有民族特色的n.少数民族的一员
  • group n.群;组;团体;集团v.聚合;成群、组;把...聚集;把...分类
  • park n.停车场;公园;园区;(球类)运动场v.停车;停放;置于
    1. The design consists of two large infrastructural moves, the redirection of the river and the construction of an Eco Park.
    2. The Eco park features a boardwalk eco-trail that passes through the islands of the park inviting visitors on an educational and healthy walk among the natural wetland habitat.