eutectoid steel

英 美
  • 共析钢
  • eutectoid n.类低共熔体;共析混合物;共析体adj.共析混合物的;共析的
  • steel n.钢铁;钢制品;钢铁般的性质vt.使坚强;使...硬如钢;使下定决心adj.钢的;坚强的
  1. a steel that contains 0.9% carbon (the eutectic point); a carbon steel with 0.9% carbon is pure pearlite

    1. Relationship between temperature and phase tran sition,cold minification of hypo eutectoid steel has been analysied.
    2. The strain of the proeutectoid ferrite in hypoeutectoid steel drawing was measured and analyzed by quantitative metallography.