every one of us

英 美
  • 毫无例外;统统
  • every adj.每个;一切的;所有可能的;每隔;最大的
  • of prep.关于;...的(表所属);出身于;由于
  • one n.一;一个;一体adj.一个的;某一个的;唯一的;同一的pron.任何人;某人
  • us pron.我们(we的宾格)
    1. They were invariably incapable of speech.
    2. It has come down to us as Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science, which is still in print and is arguably the skeptic classic of the past half a century.
    3. He stuck his finger in every one of those peaches.
    4. The cop threatened to throw all of us into jail.