
英['feɪnɪənt] 美['feɪnɪənt]
  • n. 懒惰者;无所事事者
  • adj. 懒惰的;无所事事的
  • failingly adv.似将消失地;似将断绝地
  • faille n.罗缎
  • failure n.失败;失败者;不及格;疏忽;失灵;未能;悲惨的事
  • fain adv.乐意地;欣然地adj.愿意的;乐意的;勉强的
  • fainaigue v.规避责任;骗人
  1. disinclined to work or exertion;

    "faineant kings under whose rule the country languished"
    "an indolent hanger-on"
    "too lazy to wash the dishes"
    "shiftless idle youth"
    "slothful employees"
    "the unemployed are not necessarily work-shy"

1. Finally. My kin and neighbour people still admitted me . They are faineant.
最后. 我的亲戚和邻居们还是承认了我.


2. The whats after junior high school graduates were an examination of on, socially faineant two years.
初中毕业后什么都没考上, 在社会上无所事事了两年.


3. Make not quite from first look, excited unceasingly, gradually excessive to now faineant , loaf about everywhere.
从最初的眼不够使, 激动不已, 逐渐过度到现在的无所事事, 四处游荡.

