fed in

英 美
  • v.输入(送进)
  • fed n.联邦政府官员动词feed的过去式和过去分词
  • in prep.在...里;在...地方;在...期间;在...方面;进入...里面;处于...状态;穿着...;以...的方式adv.在家;入;进;向里;在某地;并入;在某种关系中adj.在里面的;新来的;执政的;时髦的n.当权者;影响;达成目标的路径
动词 fin:
  1. equip (a car) with fins

  2. propel oneself through the water in a finning motion

  3. show the fins above the water while swimming

    用作动词 (v.)
    1. The data will be fed into the computer terminal.
    2. In batch or remote batch entry, a job or job step.