fence sitter

英 美
  • n.骑墙派
  • fence n.栅栏;围墙;买卖赃物的人v.用篱笆围住;束缚;击剑;回避
  • sitter n.就座者;被画像(或拍照)的人;孵卵鸡;得分良机;不在飞行中的鸟或兽(因而容易射中);易做的或易捕捉的事物;临时看孩子的人
名词 fence-sitter:
  1. a person who won't take sides in a controversy

  2. a neutral or uncommitted person (especially in politics)

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. I have to make sure that we got rid of the saboteurs, built a strong cadre of disciples, and moved all the fence sitters to the positive side.