foreign exchange gain or loss

英 美
  • [经]外汇(兑换)损益;汇兑损益
  • exchange v.交换;兑换n.交换;交易所;兑换;交战
  • foreign adj.外来的;外国的;异质的;不相符的
  • gain n.获得;收益;增益v.获得;到达;增加;获利;(钟、表等)走得快
  • loss n.遗失;丧失;损失;失败;失落;死亡
  • or conj.或者;还是;否则prep.在...之前
    1. The profit and loss account show the movements which have take place since the last balance sheet.
    2. The two break-even charts mentioned above do not highlight the profit or loss at different volume levels.