freedom of mind

英 美
  • 精神自由
  • freedom n.自由;直率;特许,特权
  • mind n.头脑;精神;心;想法;意见;心思;注意力;有才智的人;记忆;心情;理智;[宗]追思弥撒;上帝v.留心;注意;专心于;介意;照顾
  • of prep.关于;...的(表所属);出身于;由于
    1. Releasing yourself in the peace, enjoying the spirit space, the sofa in Wasin can help us to refuse the tempter of the flashy world and get the freedom in a period of time.
    2. Therefore, in his book, he advocated abandoning all earthly care to become one merged in the universal life in order to gain absolute spiritual freedom.