friendly nation

英 美
  • 友好国家
  • friarbird n.采蜜鸟
  • friarly adj.(像)托钵修士的
  • friary n.男修道院;寺院
  • fribble n.做无价值事的人;无益的行为v.轻举妄动;做无聊事;浪费
  • fricandeau n.用小牛肉;火鸡肉烧的一种菜
    1. The officer's special job was to liaise with other groups that might prove helpful in friendly countries.
    2. We asked a friendly security service to approach Baghdad about extraditing Zarqawi and providing information about him and his close associates.
    3. Applicants must be graduates or undergraduates of accredited universities from friendly countries.
    4. The friendly neighboring emirate of Abu Dhabi, which has been bailing Dubai out, is still flush with petrodollars.

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