geothermal source heat-pump

英 美
  • 地源热泵
  • geothermal adj.地热的
  • heat n.热度;热;热烈;激烈;发烧v.(使)变热;(使)激动
  • pump n.泵;抽水机;打气筒;抽水;打气v.打气;唧筒般运动;灌输;抽取;增加;盘问
  • source n.来源;发源地;原始资料v.从...获得
    1. A heating unit used during extremely cold weather to assist the GSHP when it cannot provide all the heat required.
    2. And the energy-saving ground-source heat pump construction technology is utilized for the first time in Yueyang and will be promoted among other provinces and cities in China.