head set

英 美
  • 耳机
  • head n.头部;头脑;顶端;领袖;硬币的正面v.前进;为首;朝向adj.首要的;前面的
  • set v.放置;设定;确定;规定;调整;分配;(太阳)落下去;将(宝石)镶嵌到(某物);配乐n.集合;组合;日落;一套;一副;一局比赛;舞台;姿态;头发的定型adj.规定的;固定的;不变的;做好准备的;固执的;不自然的
名词 headset:
  1. receiver consisting of a pair of headphones

    1. There's a head set plug in the armrest for you to enjoy music.
    2. Any set of earphones with a standard headphone plug will work without adapters.
    3. A headset is a handset that fits on your head, an earpiece is one that fits on your ear.