
英[hemɪ'zaɪgəs] 美[hemɪ'zaɪgəs]
  • adj. [生]半合子的
1. Figure 9. Case 7. Additional vessel (purple) behind the 4-chamber view next to the aorta (red). This vessel represents an azygous or hemizygous continuation of an interrupted inferior vena cava.


2. Figure 9. case 7. additional vessel ( purple ) behind the 4 - chamber view next to the aorta ( red ). this vessel represents an azygous or hemizygous continuation of an interrupted inferior vena cava.
图9病例7四腔心切面显示靠近主动脉(红色)处的额外的一条静脉(紫色) 。这条血管表示的是下腔静脉中断后在单侧的延续。


3. Figure 9. case 7. additional vessel ( purple ) behind the 4 - chamber view next to the aorta ( red ). this vessel represents an azygous or hemizygous continuation of an interrupted inferior vena cava.
图9病例7四腔心切面显示靠近主动脉(红色)处的额外的一条静脉(紫色) 。这条血管表示的是下腔静脉中断后在单侧的延续。
