high ups

英 美
  • n.负责人
  • high adj.高的;高尚的;高级的;高度的;全盛的adv.高;奢侈地;音调高n.高水平;高气压;(麻醉品带来的)快感
  • ups abbr.不间断电源(=uninterruptiblepowersupply)abbr.联合包裹服务(=UnitedParcelService)
名词 high-up:
  1. an important or influential (and often overbearing) person

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. Our strongest interests lie in growing, high technology fields in which the principals of Stellar Ventures have some prior experience.
    2. But under the current circumstances, the case can bypass operation is the second home of the high interest rates and high Shoufu fact, the responsible person is noncommittal.