high-Mn steel

英 美
  • 高锰钢
  • high adj.高的;高尚的;高级的;高度的;全盛的adv.高;奢侈地;音调高n.高水平;高气压;(麻醉品带来的)快感
  • MN abbr.磁北(=MagneticNorth)abbr.护理学硕士(=MasterofNursing)
  • steel n.钢铁;钢制品;钢铁般的性质vt.使坚强;使...硬如钢;使下定决心adj.钢的;坚强的
    1. The self strengthening mechanism of high and middle manganese steel hardfacing layer was also presented.
    2. The results have shown that under the high velocity impactig of alundum particles, high manganese steel had the typical erosion behaviors of ductile metals.