home stead

英 美
  • 住宅
  • home n.家;家庭;收容所;栖息地;发源地adv.在家;回家;在国内;回国;正中目标adj.家用的;国内的;总部的;(比赛)主场的v.提供住处;朝向
  • stead n.代替;用处v.有利于
名词 homestead:
  1. the home and adjacent grounds occupied by a family

  2. land acquired from the United States public lands by filing a record and living on and cultivating it under the homestead law

  3. dwelling that is usually a farmhouse and adjoining land

动词 homestead:
  1. settle land given by the government and occupy it as a homestead

    1. Burglars ransacked the stately home.
    2. This palace was home to French royalty.