
英[hʊk] 美[hʊk]
  • n.胡克(人名;英国物理学家、发明家和数学家)
  • hoo int.呼!(表示激动;高兴;轻蔑;赞同等)
  • hoo-ha n.激动;大惊小怪;吵闹=hoo-hah.
  • hoo-hah n.忙乱;骚动;大笑
  • Hoobler n.胡布勒
  • hooch n.私酒;劣质的烈酒;棚屋Hoochn.霍赫·彼得(荷兰风俗画家)
  1. English scientist who formulated the law of elasticity and proposed a wave theory of light and formulated a theory of planetary motion and proposed the inverse square law of gravitational attraction and discovered the cellular structure of cork and introduced the term `cell' into biology and invented a balance spring for watches (1635-1703)