hour hand

英 美
  • n. 时针
  • hough n.踝关节;足部的脚腕v.割断踝腱使成残废Houghn.哈夫(人名)
  • hound n.猎狗;可鄙之人;追踪者;迷vt.带猎犬狩猎;紧追;烦扰;催促
  • houndfish n.[鱼]角鲨;扁颌针鱼
  • houndstooth adj.[纺]犬牙织纹的;犬牙花纹的n.[纺]犬牙织纹的;犬牙花纹
  • hour n.小时;钟点
  1. the shorter hand of a clock that points to the hours

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The minute hand is bigger than the hour hand.
    2. The hour hand is a line drawn through Dubhe and Merak, the two pointer stars of the Big Dipper.

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