
英['hʌklbəri] 美['hʌklberi]
  • n. 越橘;越橘类植物;黑果木
  • hucklebone n.座骨;距骨
  • huckster n.小商人;叫卖的小贩;商业广告员v.贩卖;叫卖;强行推销
  • hucksteress n.女叫卖贩子
    n. (名词)
    1. 黑果
    2. 黑果木
    3. 美洲越橘
    4. 越橘类
    5. 【植】越橘类植物
    6. 美洲越橘浆果
    7. 卵叶越橘
    8. 卵叶越橘子
    9. 乌饭树的紫黑浆果
    10. 黑果子
    11. 越橘


  1. any of various dark-fruited as distinguished from blue-fruited blueberries

  2. any of several shrubs of the genus Gaylussacia bearing small berries resembling blueberries

  3. blue-black berry similar to blueberries and bilberries of the eastern United States

1. " Tom, " whispered Huckleberry, " does this keep us from ever telling -- always? "
“ 汤姆, ” 哈克贝利小声问道, “ 这样一来, 我们将不会泄密, 永远都不会,是 吗 ? ”

来自英汉文学 - 汤姆历险

2. Somebody pinched his arm. He turned, and his eyes met Huckleberry's.
这时有人在他胳膊上拧了一下, 他转过身来发现是哈克贝利.

来自英汉文学 - 汤姆历险

3. "'Tain't thunder,'said Huckleberry, in an awed tone, " becuz thunder -- "
“ 那不是雷声, ”哈克贝利说, 声音里带有惊恐, “ 因为雷声 —— ”

来自英汉文学 - 汤姆历险

4. Huckleberry came and went, at his own free will.
哈克贝利来去很自由, 全凭自己高兴.

来自英汉文学 - 汤姆历险

5. " Huckleberry, what do you reckon'll come of this? "
“ 哈克贝利, 你想这事结果会 怎么样 ? ”

来自英汉文学 - 汤姆历险

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. If you are looking for a kind, considerate, thoughtful husband, Martin is your huckleberry.