
英 美
  • [医]不旋光的
  • i pron.我
  • i2o n.智能输入/输出规范
  • iaa =InternationalAcademyofAstronautics国际宇宙航行学会
  • iaaf abbr.InternationalAmateurAthleticFederation国际业余田径联合会
  • iab abbr.InternetArchitectrueBoard;Internet架构委员会
名词 i:
  1. a nonmetallic element belonging to the halogens; used especially in medicine and photography and in dyes; occurs naturally only in combination in small quantities (as in sea water or rocks)

  2. the smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number

  3. the 9th letter of the Roman alphabet

形容词 i:
  1. used of a single unit or thing; not two or more