ill turn

英 美
  • n.怀敌意的或恶毒的行为;衰落
  • ill adj.坏的;有病的;恶意的;引起痛苦的adv.恶劣地;勉强地n.邪恶;不幸;祸害;坏话
  • turn v.转向;转身;翻;转弯n.转向;转变;转动;旋动linkv.成为;超过(某一年龄或时间)网络旋转;转牌;翻转
  1. an act intended to help that turns out badly;

    "he did them a disservice"

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. ECONOMISTS turn over the hows and whys of the Depression in much the same way as statesmen once reflected on the decline of Rome or the eclipse of Athens by Sparta.
