in authority

英 美
  • 有权
  • authority n.权力;官方;当局;职权;权威
  • in prep.在...里;在...地方;在...期间;在...方面;进入...里面;处于...状态;穿着...;以...的方式adv.在家;入;进;向里;在某地;并入;在某种关系中adj.在里面的;新来的;执政的;时髦的n.当权者;影响;达成目标的路径
    1. She's hopelessly headstrong; she always gets up against people in authority.
    2. Nobody in authority was available to take advantage of the offer of a reduced price for a bulk order, so I ordered twice our normal requirement on my own initiative.
    3. They've (ie The people in authority have) sent us another form to fill in.
    4. Who is in authority (ie holds the position of command) now?