in past

英 美
  • 在过去,从前
  • in prep.在...里;在...地方;在...期间;在...方面;进入...里面;处于...状态;穿着...;以...的方式adv.在家;入;进;向里;在某地;并入;在某种关系中adj.在里面的;新来的;执政的;时髦的n.当权者;影响;达成目标的路径
  • past prep.过;经过adv.过adj.过去的n.过去;昔日;过去的事情;过去的经历;往事
    1. That which is past is gone, and irrevocable; and wise men have enough to do, with things present and to come; therefore they do but trifle with themselves, that labor in past matters.
    2. If Fernandez is shown the door, the board could either buy out his contract immediately or allow him to serve out his term. Fernandez is set to collect$400,000 in past sick pay and other benefits on top of his$195,000 salary.
    3. That politician he turned his coat twice in past three years.