in sign of friendship

英 美
  • 表示友好
  • friendship n.友谊;友好
  • in prep.在...里;在...地方;在...期间;在...方面;进入...里面;处于...状态;穿着...;以...的方式adv.在家;入;进;向里;在某地;并入;在某种关系中adj.在里面的;新来的;执政的;时髦的n.当权者;影响;达成目标的路径
  • of prep.关于;...的(表所属);出身于;由于
  • sign n.手势;招牌;符号;迹象;正负号v.签;签名;做手势;做标记
    1. We invited our new neighbours to dinner as a gesture of friendship.
    2. In the block of flats where I live, my Malay and Indian neighbours would greet me and sometimes we even communicate by sign language.