
英[ɪnf'lekʃnz] 美[ɪnf'lekʃnz]
  • 屈折形式
  • INF abbr.步兵团(=infantry)abbr.不定式(=infinitive)abbr.中程核力量(=intermediate-rangenuclearforces)
  • inf-convolution 下卷积
  • Inf. abbr.步兵团(=infantry)abbr.不定式(=infinitive)abbr.中程核力量(=intermediate-rangenuclearforces)
  • inface 单斜脊崖面,陡峭的山坡
  • infacol 二甲硅油(消泡沫药)(用于急性肺水肿及胃镜检查)
名词 inflection:
  1. a change in the form of a word (usually by adding a suffix) to indicate a change in its grammatical function

  2. the patterns of stress and intonation in a language

  3. deviation from a straight or normal course

  4. a manner of speaking in which the loudness or pitch or tone of the voice is modified