international waters

英 美
  • n. 国际水域;公海
  • intacta adj.未经触动的未遭玷污的(女子)保持童贞的
  • intactness n.完整无缺;未受损伤
  • intagliated adj.阴刻的
  • intaglio n.凹雕;凹雕艺术;凹纹图形
  • intake n.吸入;招收;入口;通风口
  1. the open seas of the world outside the territorial waters of any nation

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. That would also allow turbines to be used in deep waters in the open ocean, where the wind is often stronger and steadier.
    2. The Getty insists that it was found in international waters.The Italians say it was still illegally exported.

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