
英['aɪənwiːd] 美['aɪənˌwiːd]
  • n. [植]菊科斑鸠菊属
  • iron n.熨斗;铁;刚强(复)irons:镣铐.v.熨;烫adj.铁的;刚强的
  • ironbound adj.包铁的(坚硬的;不容变通的;岩石围绕的)
  • ironclad adj.坚固的;装铁甲的n.铁甲舰
  • irone n.[化]鸢尾酮
  • ironer n.轧液机(轧布机)
  1. any of various plants of the genus Vernonia of tropical and warm regions of especially North America that take their name from their loose heads of purple to rose flowers that quickly take on a rusty hue