
英['dʒeɪnəsfeɪst] 美['dʒeɪnəsˌfeɪst]
  • adj.有双面孔的;两面派的
  • jan abbr.一月(=January)
  • Jan. abbr.一月(=January)
  • Jana 雅拿河是前苏联制造的电缆船
  • Janabi 贾纳比
  • Janabil n.贾那布尔
  1. having or concerned with polarities or contrasts;

    "a Janus-faced view of history"
    "a Janus-faced policy"

  2. marked by deliberate deceptiveness especially by pretending one set of feelings and acting under the influence of another;

    "she was a deceitful scheming little thing"
    "a double-dealing double agent"
    "a double-faced infernal traitor and schemer"

  3. having two faces--one looking to the future and one to the past;

    "Janus the two-faced god"
