junior-senior high school

英 美
  • 初高中
  • high adj.高的;高尚的;高级的;高度的;全盛的adv.高;奢侈地;音调高n.高水平;高气压;(麻醉品带来的)快感
  • junior adj.资历较浅的;年少的;下级的n.晚辈;三年级生;年少者;地位较低者
  • school n.学校;学派;院系;鱼群v.教育;训练;成群地游
  • senior adj.地位较高的;高级的;年长的;资深的n.上司;年长者;长辈;大四学生
    1. Today, nearly half of junior-high school students surveyed by the Ministry of Education said they dislike or hate science class.
    2. Supporters say the overhaul enlivens mandatory history courses for junior and senior high school students and better prepares them for life in the real world.