lance boom

英 美
  • 喷杆,喷枪
  • boom n.繁荣;兴旺;激增;低沉声n.帆杠;吊杆;支臂;尾桁;水栅vi.急速增长;发出低沉声vt.使兴旺;促进
  • lance n.枪矛;矛状器具;鱼叉;配矛骑兵v.以枪矛攻击;投掷;用柳叶刀切开;快速向前
    1. This paper introduces the oxy-coke lance for indensification of EAF melting.
    2. The types of nozzle and lance used must be appropriate for the type of work and all operators must be experienced in the use of the particular combination chosen.