lattice points

英 美
  • 格点
  • latakia n.土耳其产上等香烟
  • latania n.[植]拉塔尼亚芭蕉
  • latch n.门闩;碰锁;弹簧锁v.上闩;缠着;明白
  • latch down [计]锁定,闭断,欠锁
  • latch hook 挂钩,锁钩,弹簧钩,掣子,卡子
    1. The algorithm relies on the Lagrange multipliers to choose optimally the number of states for each node of the lattice.
    2. Theses results place the problem of European-style Asian option and Asian barrier option pricing in the same complexity class as that of the vanilla option on the lattice.

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