
英['laɪfɪnʃ'uərəns] 美['laɪfɪnʃ'uərəns]
  • adj.人寿保险的
  • life n.一生;生命;生活;人生
  • raft n.筏;木排;救生艇n.大量v.乘筏;制成筏
  • saving n.节约;挽救(复数)savings:储蓄金;存款prep.除...之外conj.除了;除去save的现在分词
名词 life insurance:
  1. insurance paid to named beneficiaries when the insured person dies

    用作形容词 (adj.)
    1. The Insurance Contracts Act applies to life insurance policies.
    2. Were having to put money in that business that we had invested in certificates of deposit for our children's education, and we have cashed in all our life insurance policies.