like a cat on hot bricks

英 美
  • adv.像热锅上的蚂蚁;坐立不安
  • a art.一(个);每一(个);任一(个)n.英语字母表的第一个字母;学业成绩得优者;表示“最好”的符号
  • bricks n.砖;砖块;砖状物vt.用砖围砌(或堵)
  • cat n.猫;猫科动物;狠毒的女人;吊锚机;独桅船;九尾鞭v.起锚;寻找性伴侣abbr.目录(=catalog)
  • hot adj.热的;辣的;强烈的adv.激动地;趁热地v.(使)变热
  • like prep.像conj.如同adv.大概;和...一样adj.相似的;同样的v.喜欢;想;愿意n.类似的人或物
    用作副词 (adv.)
    1. He's always very uneasy like a cat on hot bricks whenever he is waiting to hear the results of the examinations.
    2. She was like a cat on hot bricks before her driving test.
    3. He was up and down, here, there and everywhere, like a cat on hot bricks.