line of magnetic induction

英 美
  • 磁感应线
  • induction n.归纳法;感应;就职;诱发
  • line n.线;界线;皱纹;路线;航线;行;台词;行业;绳子;家族v.排队;画线;加衬里
  • magnetic adj.有磁性的;有吸引力的;催眠术的n.磁体,磁性物质
  • of prep.关于;...的(表所属);出身于;由于
    1. Using the slider to drive a metal bar to cut perpendicularly the uniform magnetic field in the center of a Helmholtz coil, induction electromotive force could be produced.
    2. A unit of magnetic flux density equals to 1 maxwell per square centimeter.
    3. Faraday's Law, Maxwell Curl Theory, Lorentz magnetic force, theoretic disagreement.