
英[ˌləʊ'kæl] 美[ˌloʊ]
  • adj.低卡的
  • LOC n.大光腔激光器(发射操纵者的仪表台;通信线路)
  • loc.cit. 引证;见上引;
  • loca n.(locus的复数)所在点;中心;[数]轨迹;[生]基因座
  • Locabiosol 镰孢真菌素,镰刀霉素
  • Locabiotal 镰孢真菌素,镰刀霉素
名词 local:
  1. public transport consisting of a bus or train that stops at all stations or stops

  2. anesthetic that numbs a particular area of the body

形容词 local:
  1. relating to or applicable to or concerned with the administration of a city or town or district rather than a larger area

  2. of or belonging to or characteristic of a particular locality or neighborhood

  3. affecting only a restricted part or area of the body