long run

英 美
  • 长期
  • long adj.长的;冗长的;久的;长音的adv.长期地;久地;用于名词后强调某事发生在某整段时间v.渴望n.长时间;长音节;囤积商品者
  • run vt.&vi.跑;移动;(使)流动n.奔跑;行程;放映期;一系列;趋向,态势vi.(工作等)进行;延续;逃跑;行驶vt.使奔跑;使…快速移动;运行,经营;划
  1. a period of time sufficient for factors to work themselves out;

    "in the long run we will win"
    "in the long run we will all be dead"
    "he performed well over the long haul"

    1. He claimed a pension in virtue of his long illness.
    2. They were sentenced to long terms in prison.