low temperature floor radiate system

英 美
  • 地暖系统
  • floor n.地面;地板;楼层;底部vt.铺地板;击倒;(油门)踩到底
  • low adj.低的;少的;低落的;低声的;卑劣的;低等的adv.低地;低声地;低下地;廉价地n.低水平;低价;低谷v.哞哞叫
  • radiate v.放射;散发;辐射;流露
  • system n.系统;体系;身体;制度
  • temperature n.气温;体温;温度;发烧
    1. Ground heating system pipe service life is the life of the main speakers, because some of the ground can be replaced, therefore, to warm the EAC is the key to life.