
英[mæɡ'netɪkrɪz'ɪstəns] 美[mæɡ'netɪkrɪz'ɪstəns]
  • n.磁阻
  • core n.核心;果心;要点vt.挖去果核
  • magnetic adj.有磁性的;有吸引力的;催眠术的n.磁体,磁性物质
  • storage n.保管;贮藏;仓库;保管费;[计]存储器
    用作名词 (n.)
    1. Compared with the situation abroad, the domestic application of weak magnetic field measurement instruments based on the thin-film magnetoresistive sensors is limited.
    2. It is inevitable for magnetic recording media to develop more sensitive magnetoresistance devices and high magnetic anisotropy materials in the pursuit of higher recording density.