malignant tumor

英 美
  • n. [医]恶性瘤;恶瘤
  • malabar 马拉巴尔海岸[印度西南部一沿海地区]
  • malabo n.马拉博
  • malacca n.马六甲白藤茎n.马六甲海峡
  • malaceous adj.[植]苹果科的
  • malachi n.希伯莱的先知;玛拉基书
  1. a tumor that is malignant and tends to spread to other parts of the body

    用作名词 (n.)
    1. The cancer is a kind of malignant tumour.
    2. There is no infallible way to distinguish clinically between a solitary cyst and a potential malignant disease.
    3. Pleural mesothelioma occurs when one of the pleura in the chest cavity becomes malignant.
    4. Mass of intestinal polys were seen to be hamartoma, less adenoma were seen, but malignant polys presented adenocarcinoma.

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