man-made material

英 美
  • 人工材料
  • made adj.制造的;捏造的;拼成的;肯定会成功的动词make的过去式和过去分词形式.
  • man n.男人;人;男子汉;情人;强者;下属v.使...振奋;为...配备人手
  • material n.材料;原料;素材;资料;题材;物质adj.物质的;重要的;关键的;肉体上的;实质性的
    1. The degree to which an artificial material is tolerated by the body is known as biocompatibility.
    2. A lot of study have demonstrated that heparin cated artificial material can improve biocompatibility by reducing the inflammatory response and platelet loss.