materials for drug delivery system

英 美
  • 药物载体材料
  • delivery n.传递;交付;递送;分娩;转让;演讲姿态;投球
  • drug n.毒品;药vt.使服麻醉药;使服毒品;掺麻醉药(或毒药)于
  • for prep.为;因为;代表;往;支持;关于;给conj.因为
  • materials n.原料;素材名词material的复数形式.
  • system n.系统;体系;身体;制度
    1. Because of the large varieties of silver compounds and base materials, silver-contained wound dressings differ significantly in their functional properties.
    2. The investigation on HRP immobilization is continuously done, and lots of support materials, which exhibit better performance, are discovered or synthesized.